Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Runners Heights: Jesus Camp

How do you deal with sprained Achilles Tendon? Apparently, you mope and then apply RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Extension) liberally. That's what Galloway has to say and this is one tendon that reminds you that it's there. Each step you take going downstairs reminds you to pamper it or else...However, the silver lining in this hiatus from running is that all the other parts and joints involved in the running activity are getting a vacation from the tendon's downtime.

We saw the documentary Jesus Camp, on Sunday. The evangelists brainwash children, some of whom are barely six years old. While these children should be trained to use their imagination to find a diversity in their lives, they are instead regimented down by domineering adults who squelch any thinking unless it passes their writ of what they consider the Lord's wish. And make no mistake, this Lord is the male Lord as adjudicated in the Bible...there is no room for anyone else up at the top.

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