Monday, October 08, 2007

Runner's Heights: This Creek's for You

I am still out of commission with a cold, but today is Blog Action Day and so, I have to proffer some words for the environment. I run by the Ballona Creek at least thrice every day and each time, I try to remind myself as to how lucky I am to be jogging my way to the beautiful Pacific ocean. Sometimes, when the tide rolls in, it does swell up the waters in the creek and brings in the majestic pelicans who swoop and dive into the waters with effortless ease and consistency. But as you run past the pelicans and their habitat, upstream you see the man-made litter, styrofoam cups, grocery bag, and all kinds of flotsam. I even spotted a bicycle and a shopping cart stuck in the middle of the creek, like someone reminding us how uncouth human callousness could be. For the birds, this water is their home and a source for their subsistence. That's hard to forget and what is reassuring is to see the people that feed the birds and the seagulls breadcrumbs to ease our guilt.

I am not into expensive gifts, but lately, I have been thoroughly enjoying the gift of a Baby Taylor guitar. It's a mahogany solid top and oval back that nestles nicely into the side of my blues belly. The sound is incredibly bright and textured for a 3/4 size guitar and although I have had it for less than a week, the workmanship seems very professional, although, there are two visible screws on the fretboard that attach the neck to the body and are a sight for sore eyes. It hasn't affected playability so, I'll rest easy. The gig bag that came with it is nice and roomy but if I am travelling, I'd prefer to get a hardshell case because that would at least give it some hope of surviving the fury of some disgruntled baggage handler.

Here's how it looks:

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