Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Runner's Heights: A Moose in the Crosshairs is Worth Two in the Bush

Cumulative Mileage: 202 miles
I am still trying to find out whether it is more effective to take electrolytes (Gatorade, Zym, etc.) before my run or after it. I am not sure that I will ever find out the answer unless I am in a laboratory with a hundred sensors strapped to my body as I try to keep my 10-minute-a-mile pace. I have discovered that, after a run, I crave the sugar and the tangy taste that over-the-counter electrolytes. But like I said, I am never sure whether I need the magnesium, potassium, and sodium before, or after, the run. My guess is that I might need it before the run to minimize cramps and stitches but then, I am only guessing.

So, how about that? It's been some weeks that a bible-thumping, backwoods politician who calls herself a "feminist" has charmed the U.S. media. Sarah Palin is such a study in contrasts that the media cannot stay away from her from the time being. She is pro-life and yet she engages in hunting and guns, which cause loss of life. She professes that she is a feminist and yet she is against a woman's right to choose. She claims to be distant from Washington outsider and yet she parrots the same right-wing, Republican Christian hard line that Creationism should be taught in schools. She exhorts the armed forces to fight an illegal war that has caused hundreds of human casualties because she is yet to realize that there was no established connection between 9/11 and Iraq. All this makes her sound like an ignorant bigot and a religious zealot, quiet like the religious clerics that resent and oppose the egalitarian society of the U.S. In times like these, when the U.S. is hit by a serious economic and political downturn, we need a pragmatic leaders, not religious ideologues and fanatics like Sarah Palin. She and her supporters need to understand that the separation of church and state is entombed in the U.S. Constitution and the people of America will resist her vision of turning America into and evangelical Bible belt.

I tried these potato chips the other day and they were the blandest potato chips that I have ever had. Baked potato chips are a compromise in taste but this item is freeze-dried. It may be low in calories but it is rock-bottom in taste. In fact, it doesn't taste like a potato chip at all. The freeze-drying must have sucked out the last drop of flavour from these potatoes. But try it yourself...and here's a picture of it. They call it new and revolutionary -- I think it is a new low-point in taste!

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