Monday, June 18, 2007

Runner's Heights: Enter the Veggie Entree

When your daytime schedule ends up looking like a busy bee's appointment calendar, what do you do? Look to the night owl. I must confess that I have a mental block towards night running. Having lived in big cities for a good part of my life, I always conjure up images of danger and malice lurking just around the corner. Granted that you cannot be a Pollyanna and you need to exercise some circumspection, it is tough to determine how far is the borderline for paranoia. Apart from human and feline predators, there are those SUV's so gigantic that the drivers have done you a favour if they have spotted you through their leviathan driving shells.

An arduous run always sets the stage for a great, guilt-free meal afterwards. And I tried the Boca lasagna and it was indeed tasty with a lot of texture and flavour. As the meatless entrees pick up in taste, body, variety, and flavour, I am sure it has the meat producers worried. Most of these products started out in one corner of the frozen food section in supermarkets -- the health food stores always carried them with pride and panache. But now the supermarkets are devoting up to two, or three, sections in the frozen entree rows and that space is coming at the cost of some other meat-based entree. And the cows might soon start to celebrate less and less aisle space at Kroger's.

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